Human resources and payrolls services: DOA to administer for all executive branch agencies and independent agencies except specified agencies; general fund lapse, onsite management, and reports provisions [Sec. 73, 9101 (9), 9201 (1), 9401 (4)] [73 -- partial veto] - Act 59
state guardState guard, see National Guard
state historical society of wisconsin _shsw_State Historical Society of Wisconsin (SHSW), see Historical society
state office buildingState office building
Security services provided by DOA to state agencies at multitenant state-run facilities [Sec. 161, 449] - Act 59
state parkState park, see also Forestry
Air monitoring site located at Kohler-Andrae State Park: DNR prohibited from including in the initial monitoring network plan submitted to EPA; waiver from federal Clean Air Act provision - Act 159
Bicycles and motor bicycles operated on state trails during hours of darkness: DNR rules revised re lighting requirements [Admin.Code NR 45.05] - Act 301
Pattison State Park: ranger station communications tower funding [Sec. 264p] - Act 59
``Richard A. Grobschmidt Memorial Bridge”: bridge on the Hank Aaron State Trail in Lakeshore State Park in the City of Milwaukee designated as; contributions from interested parties provision - Act 84
State parks and recreation areas: vehicle admission and overnight camping fees revised; DNR and DOT to develop plan for a recreational passport when renewing vehicle registration, special license plate provision; cap on electric receptacles increased; FTE positions decrease re forestry and parks report [Sec. 340m, 557-565d, f, 9101 (11u), 9133 (6u), 9333 (2), 9433 (1), (2)] [9101 (11u) -- partial veto] - Act 59
Unobligated Stewardship bonding authority: used for Saxon Harbor campground marina, Eagle Tower in Peninsula State Park, Horicon March Wildlife Area scenic overlook shelter, cities of Neenah and Menasha for pedestrian bridges and trails, and acquisition of the Canadian Pacific Railway corridor in Racine County [Sec. 514g, r] [514g -- partial veto] - Act 59
Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000 Program: amount obligated for critical health and safety-related water infrastructure projects in state parks - Act 71
state patrolState patrol, see Traffic officer
state public defenderState Public Defender, see Public defender
state registrarState Registrar, see Vital statistics
state superintendent of public instructionState Superintendent of Public Instruction
College Possible, Inc.: Superintendent of Public Instruction to award grant to, matching provision [Sec. 217g, 1468g] - Act 59
Interagency Council on Homelessness created; appropriation and report provisions - Act 74
Opportunity Schools and Partnership Program creation in an eligible unified school district provisions, Superintendent of Public Instruction duties, report required, and village board procedures; DPI to contract for a reorganization of low performing school district study [Sec. 207f, g, 996w, 1463f, h, 1504k-r, w-y, 9135 (4w), 9435 (1x)] - Act 59
Recovery charter school: pilot program and director of Office of Educational Opportunity in the UW System authorized to contract for operation of, conditions specified; high school graduation and insurance coverage requirements; DHS, DPI, and Superintendent of Public Instruction duties - Act 30
School-based mental health services grants established re collaborating with community mental health agencies; Superintendent of Public Instruction to establish an advisory committee; emergency rules provision [Sec. 215k, 1470g, 9135 (4f)] [1470g, 9135 (4f) -- partial veto] - Act 59
Substitute teacher permit issued to person with associate degree [Sec. 1512c] - Act 59
Superintendent of Public Instruction may revoke a license for immoral conduct, definition revised re pornographic material; governing bodies of schools (public, private, charter) prohibited from aiding an employee, contractor, or agent in obtaining a new job in a school or educational agency if there is reason to believe child sexual abuse has been committed - Act 130
state symbolState symbol, see Symbols, State
state trunk highway _sth_State trunk highway (STH), see Road, and its subheadings
state trust fundState trust fund, see Trust fund
State agencies required to include statutory or administrative rule citation for any statement or interpretation of law in informational materials; exception for UW System, TCS Board, and DETF - Act 369
statutes _ revisionStatutes -- Revision
Bingo and raffle law changes (remedial legislation) - Act 361
Correction bill - Act 364
Correction bill - Act 365
Correction bill - Act 366
Indigency determination not required before SPD appoints an attorney to represent a parent re proceedings under Children’s Code or Juvenile Justice Code; attorney fees and recusal provisions (remedial legislation) - Act 359
Municipal boundary information reconciled and compiled by LTSB clarified (remedial legislation) - Act 360
Property tax assessment: board of review proceedings for hearing objections and freeze applicable to certain replacement property eliminated (remedial legislation) - Act 358
School Safety, Office of, created in DOJ; school safety plan provisions including on-site assessment by law enforcement and annual drills; mandatory reporting of threats of violence; DOJ grants for school safety; open enrollment program expired provision eliminated; 2017 WisAct 107 tuberculosis screening requirement correction; expired or outdated DPI reporting requirements eliminated; reports and penalty provisions - Act 143
Transportation revisions re planning for certain federal highway money distribution transfers, drunk driving penalty cross-reference correction, penalties for violation of motor vehicle mileage disclosure requirement, and obsolete federal motor carrier law references (remedial legislation) - Act 363
WRS revisions re participating employee status, retirement annuity applications, and certain protective occupation participants waiving participation; form to cancel coverage under Wisconsin Public Employers Group Life Insurance Program; income continuation insurance coverage for UW System teachers (remedial legislation) - Act 362
stewardship programStewardship Program, see Natural resource
sth _state trunk highway_STH (State trunk highway), see Road, and its subheadings
storage facilityStorage facility, see Warehouse
streetStreet, see also Road, and its subheadings
Condemnation authority cannot be used for establishing or extending a recreational trail, pedestrian way, or bikeway or lane [Sec. 510m, 554g, 565g-w, 585g, r, 981m, 982p-pt, qs, r, 1224t, 2262y, 9352 (5t)] [981m -- partial veto] - Act 59
Local Roads Improvement Program: allocation revisions [Sec. 1231-1233] - Act 59
Milwaukee County high-wide route designated, permit provision - Act 114
Personal delivery devices (PDD): operation on sidewalks and crosswalks authorized; regulations created; defined as a type of vehicle - Act 13
studiesStudies, see also Reports; specific subject
Chronic absenteeism in schools and public benefits: DCF, DPI, DHS, and DWD to collaborate on a report [Sec. 9152 (1)] - Act 59
Crime lab equipment and supplies: DOJ study on sale or transfer of required [Sec. 9128 (2p)] - Act 59
DHA administrative proceedings and WC hearing testimony: DHA study of the audio and video needs of WC hearings required [Sec. 1754, 1755, 9101 (11i), 9301 (2)] [9101 (11i) -- vetoed] - Act 59
DOT study and report on consolidating state moneys for surface transportation program and replacing the funds with federal money from state highway program; request for transfer under s. 13.10 of the statutes [Sec. 359p, 9145 (4w)] [partial veto] - Act 59
Information technology study on services provided by Division of Enterprise Technology to OCI [Sec. 9101 (11c)] [vetoed] - Act 59
Needs of women veterans: DVA to study [Sec. 9149 (2f)] - Act 59
Opportunity Schools and Partnership Program creation in an eligible unified school district provisions, Superintendent of Public Instruction duties, report required, and village board procedures; DPI to contract for a reorganization of low performing school district study [Sec. 207f, g, 996w, 1463f, h, 1504k-r, w-y, 9135 (4w), 9435 (1x)] - Act 59
Physical medicine pilot program: DHS to study and implement if authorized by legislature [Sec. 9120 (4g)] - Act 59
River and stream monitoring and study by DNR re introduction of nutrients from point and nonpoint sources, waterways specified, sunset provision [Sec. 314d, 1799y] - Act 59
Snowmobile trail aids and supplemental trail aids increased; trail use sticker fees increased and made permanent; Snowmobile Recreational Council to study options to ensure adequate funding for development and maintenance of trails [Sec. 1900sg-x, 9133 (6f)] - Act 59
Storm water management study for City of Burlington: DNR grant to Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission [Sec. 338d, 9133(8t)] - Act 59
Traffic control signals in City of Greenfield: DOT to study need a specified intersection, report required [Sec. 9145 (8m)] - Act 59
Virtual charter school funding study: DPI to conduct and report to JCF [Sec. 9135 (1t)] [vetoed] - Act 59
Youth wellness center: allocation from Indian gaming receipts to American Indian tribes for feasibility study and business plan [Sec. 454, 455, 9101 (10), 9401 (5)] - Act 59
Administrative subpoenas issued in the investigation of Internet crimes against children expanded to include human trafficking crimes and hotels and possible recipients - Act 173
sulfur dioxideSulfur dioxide, see Air pollution
sunsetSunset, see also specific subject
Aiding a person suffering from an overdose or adverse reaction and immunity from controlled substance prosecution: revisions to 2017 WisAct 33 re initial applicability clause, bail jumping immunity, and sunset the bail jumping changes [Sec. 2251xg-xs, 2265r, 9452 (2x)] - Act 59
Broadband grants for infrastructure in underserved areas revised; TEACH program eligibility and sunset modified; DNR, DOT, and universal service fund provisions [Sec. 175, 198, 199, 199m, 208, 218-220, 223, 441-446, 526g-527, 1226-1227, 1532, 1691d-1699r, 9237 (1), (2), 9333 (1), 9401 (2)] - Act 59
Brownfields: remediating contaminated land; pilot program for manufacturing facilities re stationary source air pollution controls; tax deeds; ERTID changes; property assessed clean energy loans for revitalization projects; neighborhood improvement districts (NID) and business improvement districts (BID) provisions; state trust fund loans to municipalities - Act 70
CHIPS proceeding: prohibition on appointing counsel to parent eliminated; pilot program creating parent’s right to counsel in certain counties created and SPD to run; DCF, report, and sunset provisions - Act 253
Clean Water Fund Program: loan interest rate revisions and financial hardship assistance program extended [Sec. 1808-1816m] - Act 59
Community institution security cost reimbursement grants created; definition and sunset provisions [Sec. 1680b, c, 9428 (1q)] - Act 59
Domestic partnership registrations sunsetted; authority for state or local governmental unit to provide certain benefits to an employee's domestic partner eliminated [Sec. 983e, 984p, 225d-r, 9331 (3f), 9452 (2f)] - Act 59
Dual enrollment programs in high schools: HEAB to award grants to high school teachers in meeting minimal qualifications; sunset provision; DPI issuance of lifetime licenses revised - Act 206
Farmland preservation planning grants: sunset repealed [Sec. 188m] - Act 59